August 25, 2013
A book that traces the history of the company since its beginnings
Forty years have passed since Torben Karlshoej established a small tanker operation that initially concentrated on the Far East-United States west coast crude oil trade. Its remarkable initial expansion is attributable to Tobern’s vision, energy and leadership. His role was cut short by his untimely death in 1992, and, as competitors devised strategies to acquire the leaderless company, his close confidants – led by his elder brother Axel – joined forces to repel take over bids and secure its independence.
By introducing new leadership figures who shared the Karlshoej vision and ethics, that small but zealous group stimulated the company’s growth to its position as a leader in tanker and offshore oil-related operations.
This book traces the history of the company against a backdrop of the global socio-political and economic events that influenced its development to its present status in the oil trade. It also pays tribute to the men and women who have made that growth possible by loyal, enthusiastic and visionary service ashore and at sea.
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