We Are (Gas) Family: Manila Seafarer Conference 2016
November 24, 2016
Together in Manila
Teekay has several thousand seafarers all around the world; whether at home in 20+ countries or on our vessels found, well, everywhere. It is the nature of the business that people and assets are scattered across the globe doing work for customers.
So, it is rare that colleagues can come together in one place at one time. That is the purpose of our seafarer conferences. In November, the Teekay Manila office hosted several such conferences, including one for the Teekay Gas team.
The focus of the gas operations team is connecting ship and shore, creating alignment. Together, the gas team is a family – supporting each other, learning from each other. This year, the team also hosted their first Ratings conference, allowing more colleagues than ever before to meet and discuss topics that matter – from safety (always first), to business and commercial projects, HR topics, teambuilding and information sharing.
And there was even time for some karaoke (there is always time for karaoke!)
Did people enjoy themselves? Well, watch and discover for yourself.