What is it that makes Teekay special? It’s the people.
Teekay has a long, robust history which began when Torben Karlshoej incorporated the company on May 8, 1973. A lot has evolved over the past 44 years, but our bold ambitions shaped by Torben’s vision remains the same – ‘to be the best in the world’.
Torben’s vision was also guided by a people-first mentality. He truly cared about the well-being of his employees. His legacy lives on through our SPIRIT values that guide us every day. As we approach the 44th anniversary of the founding of our Company this month, we are taking a moment to share stories about the most important topic here at Teekay – our people!
More than 8,000 employees around the world on shore and at sea get up everyday to show Teekay Spirit in everything they do. This May we celebrate 44 years of Teekay and we celebrate you.
If you’re part of Teekay and want to share your #TeekaySpirit story, email us at media@teekay.com. You can also share photos using #TeekaySpirit – we will be featuring your stories this month!