June 22, 2014
Gaining a competitive advantage with scale.
New entrants in the industry – or experienced tanker owners who recognize the strength in numbers – benefit from our commercial management services. Teekay own and manage the Taurus LR2 Pool and the Aframax Revenue Sharing Agreement (RSA), as well as being a main partner to the Gemini Suezmax Pool. Through joint venture company, SPT, we also offer global lightering solutions. Partnering with Teekay gives ship owners access to our unique worldwide marketing, chartering and operational services while helping them maximize the earnings of their fleets, minimize the impact of market fluctuations and manage operational risks. We routinely coordinate and optimize our fleet schedules with key customers. We also hold numerous high-volume contracts to lift regular cargo shipments on a range of routes. Through our business development team, we are building relationships with new customers, including national oil companies, and are constantly looking for new ways Teekay can partner with others to bring innovative solutions for customers’ needs.