July 13, 2020
And the winners of this quarter are…
We are pleased to announce and recognize the proud recipients of the hazard reporting awards for the first quarter of 2020. The following vessels have reported the highest number of hazards in their teams:
Winner, Team Aquila: Tarbet Spirit
1st Runner Up: Peak Spirit
Winner, Team Centaurus: Seletar Spirit
1st Runner Up: Luzon Spirit
Winner, Team Lynx: Everest Spirit
1st Runner Up: Seoul Spirit
Winner, Team Orion: Zenith Spirit
1st Runner Up: Matterhorn Spirit
Congratulations to the officers and crew who served on these vessels during the first quarter of 2020. They deserve our applause.
To achieve our Operational Leadership objectives of getting everyone home safely and delivering flawless customer service, we all need to strictly follow procedures and diligently use all the risk management tools available. The best way to begin is by initiating a firm practice of persistently reporting hazards, which in the long run are the root cause of all injuries, incidents and accidents.
We all enjoy working in a safe work environment; one that gets us home safely to our family and friends and makes us proud of the Teekay banner that we sail under. Therefore, let us continue in our quest to report all the hazards that we observe and identify, so that we have fewer personal and operational incidents as well as enhance our vetting performance.
Once again, well done to the ships that are receiving this award and we encourage the other vessels to follow the fine example set by these vessels to step up their hazard reporting.