November 20, 2024
Impressed by the wonderful produce our sea colleagues have managed to grow onboard Teekay ships, particularly Rio Spirit in January 2023, we decided to put our green thumbs to the test in an exciting new competition, celebrating Sustainability.
For our ship teams who wish to showcase their produce, images of their hydroponic vertical gardens were shared with our global teams in October 2024.
Currently, vertical gardens onboard Dilong Spirit, Hovden Spirit, Leyte Spirit, Pinnacle Spirit, Sebarok Spirit, and Trysil Spirit are already covered in lush greenery. In contrast, Tianlong Spirit and Beijing Spirit’s gardens, are still in the seedling phase.
For the case of Cascade Spirit and Rio Spirit, they have just harvested their produce and are starting all over again. Similarly, Aspen Spirit is optimistically building from scratch right after drydocking operations.
Despite the difference in growth stages, the true test of their talents will be revealed during a 3-month growth and harvest period where produce quality, variety, and the ship team’s creativity will be revealed.
In Team Tianlong Spirit’s words “For all of you with grown gardens, sincere congratulations; however, the race has only just begun!”
Stay tuned for more harvest-at-sea updates!