July 24, 2015
Happy 20th Anniversary, Teekay Corporation ($TK)!
In July of 1995, Teekay Shipping Corporation was listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol TK. Back then, we were an Aframax tanker company operating in the Pacific Ocean. 20 years later, we have expanded from our tanker roots into new growth markets in LNG and offshore becoming one of the world’s largest marine energy transportation, storage and production companies. Since our launch on the stock exchange, we have made steady progress towards achieving our strategic objectives of generating value for shareholders. These days that is primarily achieved by supporting the distribution growth of our publicly-traded daughter entities, Teekay LNG Partners, Teekay Offshore Partners and Teekay Tankers. As the following video puts it, “years in the making, carefully architected, patiently timed, and true to our word…” Teekay has transformed into a pure-play General Partner. With over 40 years of experience, 6700 employees, $12 billion in assets and more than 200 vessels, we are ready for the many more years to come!
Teekay Transformation – Investor Day 2014 |