December 2, 2015
We Put Safety First. No Compromises.
At the end of the day, the most important thing we do is ensure the safety of our people and the safe operations of our ships. Since our Lost Time Injury (LTI) Free Achievements are one way to monitor our success in this area, we are always pleased to share our LTI Free milestones. Thank you to everyone on shore and at sea who played a part in these safety achievements. Reaching these milestones cannot be taken for granted since a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment of all onboard is required. So to all of you who everyday work together to ensure gets home safely, congratulations! Below you will find a list with all the vessels who reached an LTI Free milestone in 2015. For updates of our LTI Free milestones, follow our Facebook page where we continuously share and celebrate our vessels’ achievements.

2015 LTI Free Milestones
2 to 5 Years6 to 9 Years10 to 20 Years