July 25, 2016
“This is a game of no mistakes.”
“This is a game of no mistakes” says Ray McNamara. He heads up Teekay Tankers’ Ship Management team and is tasked to operate the best ships in the industry. No less than that.
“If we’re not going to be honest with each other, we will never be the best.”
“If we’re not going to be honest with each other, we will never be the best.” Since joining the team in 2015, Ray has led a large team of people ashore and afloat to have this same goal. Every day, every question, simplifies to “is this the best?” – if not then the task is clear.
“Seafarer conferences have a huge multiplier effect.”
Over the years Ray has learned the cost of not having real conversations. “To leave the office, conference or ship with something unsaid is such a horrid feeling.” Hence why Teekay Tankers’ seafarer conferences are increasingly not about training and information but about sharing experiences and points of view to make decisions together. “Seafarer conferences have a huge multiplier effect.”
“I feel that with a team like this no way we will fail to deliver.”
Even though he’s not a big fan of excitement, he admits, he knows there’s a big deal of it at Teekay. “I love the work because of the high quality people I get to share with. Just about every day brings an example of integrity, resilience, professional skill and there is always something and someone to admire in our team. I feel that with a team like this no way we will fail to deliver.”
“I look at my colleagues and try to see the leaders of tomorrow.”
Ray’s focus is largely on the future – tomorrow, next month and the years to come. “I look at the Junior Officer and try to see the Master or Chief Engineer he will become, I look at the condition of our ship and think how she will be in five or ten years, I look at my colleagues and try to see the leaders of tomorrow.” Everyone in his team, from the person at reception to vessel managers and crew, hold the reputation of the company in their hands.
“A frank expression of what the best looks like.”
As to what he expects from everyone around him: “an honest, respectful, open, sincere exchange of ideas. A frank expression of what the best looks like and how you and I and all of us together measure up to that standard.”
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